The blog of Sterling Franklin (DJ Sterf), servant of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Jonah & Frozen Eyes


First week of the Sunday School series on the Minor Prophets starts Feb. 3 (this Sunday). I'm ready to go for Jonah. I just have to finish a few thematic things on the Intro part to the Minor Prophets. I have a booklet that goes with Jonah, and I'm hoping to have a booklet with each of the books, as well as the Intro & Conclusion to it all. Sweet sweat, piglets.

Anyway, here's a short preview of some of the content of Jonah:

Frozen Eyes

Man, today was cold. Last night, there were monstrous winds and snow, and literally the roads looked like a misty swamp. My minivan has lame traction, and I almost got in a really serious wreck. I steered just enough so that only my back right tire hit the curb at about 5 mph, but still, it was jarring to me.

The temperatures were Sub-Zero (GET OVER HERE) this morning, and the wind chill was much worse. Literally, I blinked and my eyes were frozen shut for a second or two. I was like, "Dang." The end.

I always think about Psalm 147:16-17 when it gets really cold and windy here -- He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes. He hurls down his hail like pebbles. Who can withstand his icy blast?

...and just think -- they were in Israel!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those fotos are hideous. Why would you want to put them up. Ugh!

- Raj

February 2, 2008 11:17 PM


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