Vacation Bible School

Day 1


1st & 2nd Grade


Teacher: “Mr. Sterling” (Sterling Franklin) J


- About Acts


- Map of the Region


- Story (from Acts 8:25-40)

-          Ethiopian Treasurer / Eunuch (Under Queen Candace)

-          Worshipping in Jerusalem, Likely Celebrating Passover…

o        Explanation of Festival

o        Lamb Sacrifice Motif

o        Ethiopian was seeking (searching after) God.

-          Philip (in Jerusalem)

o        An Angel of the Lord gives him instructions…

§         “Go South to Gaza!” (60-70 mile trip)

·         Did Philip use a Sports Car?  (Obviously, no.)

·         Took great Obedience on Philip’s part.

§         Long Journey… “Day’s trip” usually meant 20 miles.

o        He meets up with the Ethiopian’s chariot and runs toward it.

-          Ethiopian

o        Reading a scroll in his chariot.

§         Scroll vs. Codex…they didn’t have Scripture as books yet!

§         Philip asks if he understands what he’s reading.

§         Ethiopian responds, “How can I unless some man leads me?!”

o        Scroll was Isaiah 53 – “As a Lamb led before the Slaughter…”

§         Messiah – Anointed / Chosen One of God.

§         Philip tells the Ethiopian about Jesus, the Messiah.

-          Some Water is Nearby

o        Ethiopian: What keeps me from being baptized right now?

o        Philip: If you believe in Jesus with ALL your heart, you can be baptized.

o        Ethiopian: I believe that Jesus is the Son of God!

-          Ethiopian expresses belief and then is baptized.

-          Philip immediately carried away to preach elsewhere by the Holy Spirit after the baptism (to Azotus, verse 40 of Acts 8).


Characteristics of the Ethiopian?


Characteristics of Philip?


A few Lessons to Glean from this Passage:


            Hopefully, something GRABS you about this passage…

1)       God’s Care for Each of Us.


- God

2)       Role of the Holy Spirit


o        The Holy Spirit draws people to a relationship with God.



3)       All things are known by God.

o        God knew where the Ethiopian was and would be…

o        God knew that Philip would be obedient in following Him…

o        God knew the Ethiopian’s need for fulfillment through the Messiah – Jesus!


4)       Baptism’s function after faith in Jesus (through His…)


5)       Salvation!



In this story, there are 2 Categories of People…


-          Philip – knows about Jesus, believes in Him and what He’s done – TELL OTHERS ABOUT HIM!

-          Ethiopian Eunuch – Missing a BIG piece of the puzzle – TAKE THE STEP OF FAITH!


Memory Verse: John 3:36(a) (full verse finished in parentheses) – “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life (, for God's wrath remains on him)”


Prayer & Invitation


Class Policies, Stuffed Animals!

